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Guangzhou Keye Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd 廣州市科葉環(huán)保科技有限公司

廣州市科葉環(huán)??萍加邢薰臼欠鹕绞心虾>胖奁栈蒿L機有限公司的下屬企業(yè)。 佛山市南海九洲普惠風機有限公司創(chuàng)建于1996年,總部位于廣東佛山南海區(qū),占地面積11.5萬m2,標準廠房面積10萬m2,是一家高新技術(shù)企業(yè),現(xiàn)已成為國內(nèi)產(chǎn)品系列較齊全的大型通用風機生產(chǎn)基地;公司長期與多所高校戰(zhàn)略合作,擁有省級工程技術(shù)研究開發(fā)中心、風機氣動性能檢測中心、電動機性能檢測中心;擁有多項發(fā)明或?qū)嵱眯滦蛯@?,先后獲得“中國十大風機質(zhì)量品牌”、“中國質(zhì)量500強”、“中國國際流體機械金獎”、“中國馳名商標”等多項榮譽。

廣州市科葉環(huán)??萍加邢薰居?006年在廣州番禺區(qū)成立,公司是專業(yè)研發(fā)生產(chǎn)蒸發(fā)式冷風機(環(huán)??照{(diào))的企業(yè)。主要產(chǎn)品有工業(yè)用的各類型降溫風機:有移動式、安裝固定式、離心式,風量從3000m3/h至80000m3/h,基本上包括了所有工業(yè)廠房用的水冷降溫風機;家庭、商務型的蒸發(fā)式冷風扇各類型號的產(chǎn)品也在不斷研發(fā),產(chǎn)品涉及到風量從350m3/h 至8000m3/h。




佛山生產(chǎn)基地 Foshan Production Base

Guangzhou KEYE EnvironmentalTechnology Co., Ltd is one of theaffiliated enterprises of Foshan City Nanhai Popula Fan Co., Ltd. Popula Fan Co., Ltd.was founded in1996.Headquarter based in Nanhaidistrict Foshan city Guangdong province which covers an area of115,000 m2 include 100,000 m2 of standard workshops.As a high-techenterprise, Popula Fan Co.,Ltd has now become large-scale general-purpose fan production base with most complete production line inChina.Popula Fan Co., Ltd.has long- term strategic cooperation witha number of universities with provincial engineering and technologyresearch and development center, motor aerodynamic performancetesting center, motor

performance testing center. With a number ofinventions or utility model patents,Popula FanCo.,Ltd has won manyhonors such as“China’s Top Ten Quality Blower Brands”、"ChinaQuality Top 500”、"“China lnternational Fluid Machinery Gold Award”and“China Famous Brand”.

Guangzhou KEYE Environmental Technology Co., Ltd was establishedin Panyu District,Guangzhou City in 2006.Guangzhou KEYE Environ-mental Technology Co.,Ltd is an professional company that research,develop and produce evaporative aircooler ( environmentally-friendly air conditioner ) . our main products are various types ofcoolers forindustrial use: mobile, install, centrifugal with air flowfrom 3000m3/h to 80000m3/h, basically include cooling fans for allindustrial plants; home, business models of evaporative coolers whichair flow cover from 350m3/h to 8000m3/h are also under continuousdevelopment.

Guangzhou KEYE Environmental Technology Co., Ltd is complex partnerof“China lmport and ExportCommodities Fair”.KEYE’s products arealso used as designated cooling equipment byCanton Fair.Gree AirConditioning, Chigo Air Conditioning and other famous companiesare using KEYE products.KEYE annual sales volume more than 80,000units.

“Cutting-edge Technology, Green KEYE”is ourendless pursuit.Wehave applied MGS # CAT automatic testing system in production andfully utilize CAD and CAXA auxiliary system to research and developnew products.The product designed by us have obtained manypatents and qualify certificates.Our products are not only sold indomestic market but also export to more than 30 countries in WesternEurope, South American,Middle East,Africa, East Asia and South-eastAsia.

lt is our consistent aim to adhere to "Supreme Quality # Professionalservice”. We warmly welcome all distinguished guests to visit ourcompany for guidance and business.KEYE is willing to cooperatewith friends from all over the world to make technological innovationof our products and extend the applicable scopes of air coolers so asto continous improve our working and living environment.

廣州科葉總部Guangzhou KEYE Headquarter
客服咨詢電話 / service hotline
版權(quán)所有?廣州市科葉環(huán)??萍加邢薰?/font>? 粵ICP備08124541號?| ?企石水冷風機公安備案號:粵公網(wǎng)安備44011302000357號 ??| ?分站導航?| ?網(wǎng)站地圖?| ?XML地圖
Copyright?2024 Guangzhou KEYE Environmental Technology Co., Ltd